Amazon Lex From AWS – Building A Chatbot Has Never Been Easier…

by Dec 17, 2019

Amazon Lex – From the family of AWS Machine Learning Services.

Amazon Lex is a part of Machine Learning Services offered by Amazon.As we all know, everyone is familiar with Alexa and  Amazon Lex brings the same successful deep learning technology that made Alexa a household name to developers thus  empowering them to build engaging, interactive, natural language conversational bots called “Chatbots” . 

Building a Bot:

The complex speech recognition and language understanding is made easier with the tools Amazon Lex provides to developers.Using this fully managed service and easy-to-use console, you can build a simple application bot by adding voice or text chat interface to your mobile applications .

Once built,the bot can be tested and directly deployed to mobile phones, web apps and IoT devices.The bots can even connect to chat services like Facebook Messenger and AWS is in the process of including other chat services as well.In addition to this, you can make use of available reports to track metrics for your bot.



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Integration with AWS Services:

Amazon Lex works easily with AWS services like AWS Lambda, Amazon CloudWatch etc., and with Saas Integration For AWS Mobile Hub, you can build productivity bots that apply conversational interfaces to data of various departments stored in your organization’s SaaS applications and use it.Developers can also take use of other amazon services like Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Cognito for their code.

Types of Bots:

Different bots for different purposes. With Amazon Lex you can build bots based on your requirements.

Informational  Bots – Give information about current events, weather etc

Call Center Bots  – Used with Amazon Connect Call Center, these bots help users with various activities like rescheduling an appointment, checking balance on an account etc ,eliminating the need to speak to an agent.

Application Bots -The powerful speech recognition technology enables to create bots on your mobile devices which in turn interacts with users in performing basic tasks like calling a cab, ordering food etc.,

Workflow on how Call Center Bot completes a request…Workflow of bot attending a request Image Credit:AWS

Availability : Currently Amazon Lex is available in the following regions only.

  •    US East – N.Virginia
  •    US West -Oregon
  •    EU (Ireland)

Amazon Lex Pricing: 

  1. This is pay-as-you-go pricing which means you will be charged only for the requests you make be it speech or text. Each speech requests costs $.004 and text request costs $0.00075 respectively.
  2. Amazon also offers a free service  for a year. With this offer users can get upto free 10,000 text requests and 5,000 speech requests per month .



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