Archive Data Backup With Amazon S3 Glacier

Archive Data Backup With Amazon S3 Glacier
What is Amazon S3 Glacier and Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive?
Amazon S3 Glacier and S3 Glacier Deep Archive are Amazon S3 cloud storage classes for data archiving and long-term backup.
Why should i go for this storage options?
Because Amazon S3 Glacier and S3 Glacier Deep Archive provide users with a secure, durable, and extremely low-cost option of storing archive data.
What type of data can be stored?
You can store both Active archive Data as well as Cold/Frozen Data .
How can i benefit from this type of storage compared to on-premises storage?
As your Organisation grows, so does your data and this places upon you the burden of storing the data and archiving it and as this cycle continues, your expenditure continues to rise exponentially and in this scenario Amazon S3 Glacier comes to rescue by offering you to stow away your data at extremely low cost.
How much is the pricing for Amazon S3 Glacier?
Now you can store your data for as little as $1 per terabyte per month.Get Complete Pricing Structure Here
How Quickly Can I Retrieve My Data?
Amazon S3 Glacier: You can choose one of three access options for Data Retrieval and based on these options timings vary from few minutes to several hours.
Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive : You can choose from one of two access options ranging from 12 to 48 hours.
What are the benefits of AWS Storage ?
Quick Retrieval
Durability and Scalability
Most Comprehensive Security & Compliance Capabilities
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