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Scan Your Container Images For Vulnerabilities Using Image Scanning | AWS

by Nov 3, 2019

AWS Announces Image Scanning For Amazon ECR

What is Amazon ECR and how this new service is related to this?

ECR is Elastic Container Registry provided by Amazon to store, decrypt and manage container images.This new service scans container images in ECR for any operating system vulnerabilities.Amazon ECR uses the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) database from the open source CoreOS Clair project and provides you with a list of scan findings.





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How Can I Scan My Container Images?

Amazon allows you to choose from the below options ..   

  • You can scan your container images stored in ECR manually.
  • Enable Image Scan for push on your repositories so that each and every image is checked against aggregated set of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs).
  • Scan Images using an API command  there by allowing you to set up periodic scans for your container images .This ensures continuous monitoring of your images.

What Information Will These Scans Provide?

Based on the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) database, the findings will list all the software vulnerabilities based on the severity .

What are the charges associated with this new service from AWS?

Scanning of your container images is completely free for Amazon ECR and is available for all AWS Regions and GovCloud(US).

For further documentation on Image Scanning visit

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