Azure ArtificiaI Intelligence – Breathe Life Into Your Applications !

by Dec 12, 2019

Give Life To Your Applications Using Azure Artificial Intelligence

What is Aritificial Intelligence(AI)?

AI is the ability of a machine to imitate human behaviour. This intelligence enables machines to analyse image, understand languages and make predictions based on data.

What is Azure Artificial Intelligence(AI)?

Azure Aritificial Intelligence combined with Machine Learning allows developers to develop next generation applications under any scenario.



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What are the various services offered by Azure AI ?

Azure Cognitive Services :  A comprehensive set of AI services with cognitive APIs that allow developers to embed Websearch, Speech, Vision, Language, Decision making into their applications without any machine learning expertise. For individual information on these services 

Azure Machine Learning: Build and deploy models faster with this Enterprise-grade Machine Learning.Productivity for all skill levels, with code-first and drag-and-drop designer and automated machine learning with best-in-class support for open source frameworks.

Cognitive Search: This is a Azure Artificial Intelligence powered cloud search service for mobile and web app development.You can deploy a fully configured search service with intuitive user experiences such as scoring, faceting, suggestions, synonyms and geo-search—and achieve this while saving money on debug index corruption, monitor service availability . This also eliminates the need to manually scale during traffic fluctuations.

Azure Bot Service: A managed service purpose built for Bot Development. With this service you can easily create a Bot that can naturally interact with users by easily integrating Cognitive Services and you can connect the bot to any device using a comprehensive open-source SDK and tools.

Azure DataBricks : Provides fast, optimised Apache Spark Environment and allows seamless integration of open source libraries.You can easily unlock insights from data and build AI solutions with the help of supercharged machine learning on big data with native Azure Machine Learning integration  .

For more information on Azure AI + Machine Learning.

Dont let lack of maching learning knowledge or AI skills stop you from developing powerful apps with human insights.Take the first step towards AI here. 




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