Deploy And Manage Web Applications Easily In AWS Cloud With AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

If you are a web application development company and still not migrated to cloud, then the advantages of AWS Elastic Beanstalk for application code deployment and scaling will help you in taking a step closer towards adopting Cloud Technology.
What is AWS ElasticBeanstalk?
AWS ElasticBeanstalk is an easy-to-use service for deploying web applications in the AWS Cloud. Elastic Beanstalk support multiple languages(Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, Go, Node.js etc.,) as well as many of the popular development stacks (Apache, Nginx, Puma, Microsoft IIS 7.5,8.0 etc) thus giving this service an ideal choice of developers for deploying applications in the AWS cloud.
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Why use AWS ELastic Beanstalk?
With AWS ELastic Beanstalk , the only task a developer has to do is “upload deployable application code” and the rest is taken care of. This service frees the developer from all the infrastructure related tasks like(managing servers,databases, networks etc,), thus allowing him to concentrate only on the code development rather than on the systems that run the application.
What tasks does AWS Elastic Beanstalk do once the code is uploaded?
AWS ELastic Beanstalk automates the following…
- Capacity Provisioning.
- Load Balancing.
- Application Deployment.
- Automatically Scales application up and down based on the need..
- Environment Creation to run the version of the application.
- Keep running the application up-to-date with all the necessary patches and updates.
What are the ways allowed to upload the application code?
AWS Elastic Beanstalk offers multiple options to upload the code..
- Eclipse or Visual Studio (IDE).
- AWS Management Console.
- Git Repository.
What level of control does AWS Elastic Beanstalk grant a developer once the code is uploaded?
Unlike other platform-as-a-service solutions where developers control over the resources is greatly reduced, AWS Elastic Beanstalk allows developers retain full control over the AWS resources powering their application and can access underlying resources at any time.
How will I be charged for AWS Elastic Beanstalk?
There is no additional charge for Elastic Beanstalk – you pay only for the AWS resources you use for running your application , these resources could be any AWS Services like Amazon EC2, Amazon S3 Storage,Amazon RDS etc.,. These resources will be charged based on your usage.
To know more about AWS Elastic Beanstalk, please check this official page.
Use our expertise in Cloud Consulting : If you want to use AWS Elastic Beanstalk for your web application deployment or any other cloud services of any the leading Cloud Service Providers(AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure) reach us using the form link provided below and we will get in touch with your.
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