Mobile App Developers | Broadcast Push Notifications To Any Number Of Devices | Azure Notification Hubs.

Push Notifications are the most common & best way of keeping users engaged with any mobile app. These pop-ups enable app developers to easily push information to their users on software updates, new product launches or any other information regarding the app and this channel of communication between the app and user,if properly utilised can play a critical role in the continued success of the app.
What is a Push Notification?
A Push Notification is a form of communication where users of an app are notified of new information regarding app updates, new launches or any other fixes related to the app.Based on the nature of the app, these notifications can appear as a pop-up or dialog-box on the mobile screen and when the users choose to view the message, then they are redirected to that application that sent the notification.
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What is Azure Notification Hubs?
Azure Notification Hubs provides an easy-to-use and scaled-out push engine that enables you to send notifications to any platform (iOS, Android, Windows, etc.) from any back-end (cloud or on-premises).This engine works perfectly for enterprise as well as consumer scenarios.
What the challenges involved when sending push notifications ?
- Sending push notifications requires complex infrastructure that includes hard-to-maintain platform-dependant logic and due to this logic,developers must work separately for each platform (Android,iOS,Windows etc.,) when sendings notifications to customers of the respective platforms and this simply adds to the workload of developers .
- Most of the push notifications are targeted to a specific group or users based on common interest and this segregation of users can be achieved only if the backend is able to maintain a registry and this in turn not only raises the maintenance cost of an app but also increases the time to market.
How Azure Notification Hubs helps?
Azure Notification Hubs eliminates all complexities associated with sending push notifications from the app backend. Its multi-platform, scaled-out push notification infrastructure reduces push-related coding and simplifies the backend. With Notification Hubs, devices are merely responsible for registering their PNS(Platform Notification System) handles with a hub, while the backend sends messages to users or interest groups.
What are the advantages of Azure Notification Hubs?
- Supports all major platforms. Reach any platform (Android, iOS, Windows,Kindle, Baidu)
- Numerous options for notifications delivery.
- Broadcast quickly to millions of devices & Scale Instantly without the need for re-architecturing.
- Cross backends .Use any back end, in the cloud or on-premises
- Tailor push notifications by customer, language and location
How to get started with Azure Notification Hubs?
To access any Azure Service, it is mandatory to have an active Azure Account. Once logged into the Azure Account, you can start creating Notification Hub in the Azure Portal. For a quickstart on this topic, please visit this page.
What is the pricing of Azure Notification Hubs?
- No upfront payment, no termination fees, pay only for what you use.
- Notification Hubs is offered in three tiers—free, basic and standard. Base charge and quotas are applied at the namespace level. Pushes exceeding included amounts are aggregated at the subscription level for each tier.
- Free tier includes 1 million pushes per subscription per tier. For detail on the other tiers as well as additional charges, please visit official page.
If your organization is interested in using this service or any other Cloud Services from either Azure, AWS or Google, please contact us using the form link provided below.
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