Set Up Cloud Contact Center Quickly With Amazon Connect

by Jan 6, 2020

Set Up Cloud Contact Centre Quickly With Amazon Connect | Elevate Your Customer Service | Reduce Your Costs

What Is Omnichannel Martketing  ?

Omnichannel Marketing is combining all aspects of shopping like shopping online or at a physical store or through a mobile phone and provide customers with a seamless shopping experience no matter what platform they choose to shop.

What is Cloud Call Center or Cloud Contact Center?

Businesses which provide excellent customer service always survive the competition.As we all know a basic customer service is nothing but being able to talk to the brand representative anytime and most businesses operate call centers for this purpose where appointed agents will interact with customers but in these digital days this simple service is insufficient and demand for more  sophisticated systems like Integrated Voice Response or other forms of advanced routing and interaction is rising where simple queries of customers can be quickly dealt with automated interactions using chat bots, thus eliminating the need to speak to an agent for each and every simple request which saves a lot of wait time for customers , but as we all know technology doesn’t come cheap and the expenditure involved in setting up these sophisticated facilities in a call center is very high not to mention the licensing fees that come with it.

In this scenario enter the “Cloud Contact Centers” or  “Cloud Call Centers” . This is nothing but a service offered by various service providers in which all the necessary tools and modern interface will be provided so that any business small or large can very quickly and easily set up its own cloud contact center up and running in matter of few clicks.




How to REDUCE  your  monthly cloud bills by 25% in 7 days ?

5 simple and highly effective suggestions in blueprint to reduce your cloud costs.


What is Amazon connect?

Amazon Connect is an easy-to-use omnichannel cloud contact center offered by AWS.


How to Set Up Cloud Contact Center Quickly With Amazon Connect?

Amazon Connect really makes it easy to start a cloud contact center, all one really needs is an AWS Account (AWS currently offers 12 months of Free Tier Access) You can check all about the free tier here.

Once you get into AWS Account, you can start building your contact center by accessing the Amazon Connect Console and with only a few clicks your omnichannel contact center will be ready for your agents to start interacting with customers.It’s that simple.Still, if you feel overwhelmed by these instructions, but want to set up cloud contact center with Amazon Connect, please feel free to contact us and we will set up a fully functional cloud contact center for you.


How much does it cost to set up Cloud Contact Center?

  1. No Upfront Cost 
  2. No Minimum Monthly Fees
  3. No Long Term Commitment
  4. Pay-As-You-Go Pricing


Benefits of Cloud Contact Center:

1.Fast and Easy Set Up :- Set up an omnichannel cloud contact center in just a few clicks.

2.Skill Based Routing: Single User Interface across voice, web and mobile chat 

3.Agility: Amazon Connect is an open platform that easily integrates with other systems such as customer relationship management (CRM), workforce optimization (WFO), or workforce management (WFM) systems.

4.AI Powered: By default Amazon Connect is AI enabled and this makes other AWS AI services available to agents which they can use for any  automation.

5.Intuitive Graphical Contact Flow Builder: Allows contact center managers to easily create dynamic personal, and automated customer experiences, without the need to write a single line of code.

Detailed explanation of all features of Amazon Connect can be found here.


List of Cloud Contact Center Providers :

Apart from AWS  here are some of the Cloud Contact Center providers…

  • Salesforce
  • Infobip
  • Virtuo
  • five9


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