Did you take the right decision ?

by May 23, 2016

Moving-to-AWS-Right-DecisionI regularly get requests for migrating websites or web applications to Amazon Web Services (AWS ) from other hosting providers. And in some cases , I see that migration may not be really required or worth the effort.

I have listed below few points that should help you take the right decision.

First and foremost , ask this simple but important question. “Why do I want to move my website or application to AWS ?”.

Your answers can be:

  • My website or application will be faster on AWS
  • It will be more secured.
  • My requirement has outgrown existing hosting provider.
  • Performance and availability issues at my existing provider
  • My VC suggested me to move to AWS :-). Yes, we have had instances where customers wanted to move to AWS purely because of suggestions from their investor/VC.
All the above are valid including last one(Why offend your cash source?).

But to realise the benefits, you need to design your Amazon Web Services architecture correctly as well as utilize the relevant services.

1.My website or application will be faster on AWS. Just by moving your website to AWS on a better config server is not going to make it faster. You need to use services like CDN and load balancer to name a few. But before that , you need know the causes for your website being slow.Let’s say it is due to underlying database performance issues then you need to address that first.

2.It will be more secured. Your website or application will not become automatically secured. You need to ensure stuff like OS patching , hardening , firewall config, server access controls, etc are taken care of. Else you application may infact be more vulnerable.

3.Performance and availability issues at my existing provider. To ensure your application is more available with less downtimes, you need to design for high availability. At the basic level, you do this using redundant servers in different availability zones as well as having a well defined backup and recovery approach.

Migrating to AWS without taking care of the above points will lead to just one outcome. Your bill going up :-).

Already decided on migrating to AWS ?. Then learn the critical aspects and approach in this article to ensure migration is without issues.

Have more questions? Reach us. contact(at)clozon.com or use the form on this page.
Connect with Saif @ https://in.linkedin.com/in/syedsaif